Parvo Treatments
We provide low-cost parvo treatments to those who cannot afford a full service veterinarian. Our cost is $150 per dog or litter, but we will allow you to Pay What You Can Afford, if you are unable to cover the full cost. Our treatments are 92% effective and truly work to reduce the suffering of sick dogs.
What We Provide
Our treatment protocol was developed by Colorado State University and includes much of the care you would receive at a full-service veterinarian, including fluids, anti-nausea meds, anti-diarreah meds, probiotics, antibiotics and more. The main difference is YOU will be the primary caregiver, by administering the regimen to your pet throughout the day. You will also need to bring your pet to our clinic daily to receive IV fluids.
What Can I Do to Prvent Parvo in the Future
Parvo is a very preventable disease, when your pet receives a series of preventative vaccinations. If you are unable to afford our costs, please ask for Pay What You Can Afford. It is much cheaper to prevent parvo, than treat parvo.